Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Heroes....

In these crazy times of war, economic collapse, sickness, heartache, deceit, and anything else that might be going on in mine and your lives. I wanted to make this post for all of you who inspire me everyday, and influence my life in a wonderful way. So this is for:
1. The woman in my life who gets down on her hands and knees to be a mom, plays pretend, and anything else her kids and their friends might want her to do...
2. The man in my life who is excited to be home and play with his kids everyday...
3. The woman in my life who over thinks every scenario so she won't hurt feelings....
4. The woman in my life who I can spout off to, and she never seems to judge me (if you know who you are and you do judge me at least I don't know you do :) ), who reminds me that being yourself is awesome and you don't need to change who you are for anyone...
5. The woman and man in my life who would do anything for my family. Are always thinking and doing things that help me in more ways than they will ever know......
6. The boy in my life who reminds me every time I am around him that it is okay to have confidence, and know that you are great....
7. The woman in my life who serves constantly, and is always thanking me for insignificant things that I do....
8. The man in my life who went to the very bottom and didn't give up, but persevered and is steadily climbing his way back up....
9. The woman in my life who is fighting for everything I take for granted, but yet is so positive, and even laughs about it....
10. The man in my life who even though he is brash and blunt, calls to make sure I know he still loves me and my family....
My point is I know I have so much abundance in my life, and through all the doom and gloom I keeping joking about, I am so happy to have you in my life. You might not know how or when you are influencing and even that you helped lift me a little higher, but you did. I could have kept going on and on...You are my heroes. Thank you.


Chili said...
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Jason Chilcote said...

Whittney, I needed a kleenex to wipe my eyes..... that's because I was laughing about how dumb your blog is. Which one am I?

Landon said...
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King Family said...

whittney is the best. you are my hero...and not just because you delivered my primary notes :)

Landon said...

Just so you know I am not really that mean. Someone likes to post as me. The real Landon Florence

LB said...

I am laughing my guts out at the 2 Landon Florences - I think I've actually posted you specifically on my blog as my hero a couple of times so you know how you rate :)

Ciggyeti said...

Freak whit, I must suck as a brother.. I don't think i'm any of those. Love you though.


the4ofus said...

Ok, so not only am I not on your list of "HEROES" but I'm also not on your list of bloggers that you read. I'm feeling a little bad for myself!! :(

the4ofus said...

P.s. You're my hero!! :)

The Hunt's said...

That was lovely. Wish I lived closer to you so I could inspire you too :)

Tammi said...

Whit, you should be a writer...I'm usually laughing my guts out reading your stuff and this time I felt like writing to everyone I know who inspires ME! Hope life is going well for you and your adorable family! Give everyone a big smooch for me!