Sunday, March 2, 2008

I have been tagged and told I need to respond.....

1. Once you are tagged, link back to the person who tagged you.
2. Post THE RULES on your blog.
3. Post 7 weird or random facts about yourself on your blog.
4. Tag 7 people and link to them.
5. Comment on their blog to let them know they have been tagged.

7 people I am tagging:
Ben Dover
Eileen Dover
Bob Urhead
Britney Spears Mom
Barack Obama
Mitt Romney
Mr and Mrs. Lendmeahand

7 Random facts....
1. I was born with 6 toes on one foot, and the normal 5 on the other
2. Jason is only the 2nd guy I ever kissed, and dated.
3. I have kissed 25 guys since Jason*.
4. About 3 years ago I couldn't run on a treadmill for even 5 minutes, and now I am training for a Marathon.
5. We have 2 beautiful girls who are best friends, and hopefully that will continue as they grow up.
6. I really don't like eggs, pot pies, squash, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, but I love red meat...AHHH
7. I only have attended one semester of College, and yet, I still am smarter than Jason.**

*...(not really that was a lie)
**....(this is probably not a true fact)


LB said...

I wish I had your comedic chops...

Kadee said...

Once again I am laughing out loud! Thanks, I needed it today:)

The Hunt's said...

Ben Dover, you kill me.

Kimmi, Ciaran and Cabhan's Korner said...

Well I must know you pretty well I knew all those weird facts about you. Well we need to get our kids together. Next time you do something like going to the childrens museum call me if you would like a tag a long. And yes we would love to do dinner Lets plan it. Maybe we will see you at Landon's Farewell on Sunday if not I will call you.

Tammi said...

Can't wait to see Mitt Romney's answers, and I'm sure Brit's mom doesn't have any dirty laundry to air! totally didn't know u had 6 toes! ha! learn somethin' new everyday...thanks for not tagging me!

Dad Despain said...

Ha! You are so funny, I'm thinkin' you should do stand up. Actually the Dovers did live right across the street from us in West Jordan. Ben and Eileen were characters as I remember it. I tried to make you date more, but no, you wouldn't listen to me so you get your just desserts! I really like Jason though so it worked out as far as I'm concerned. I used to be able to run a half marathon and now I can only run 5 minutes on a treadmill. We are so alike! I remember when you were born counting your toes several times because something just didn't seem right. I almost took off my shoes because for a minute there I wasn't certain which foot was the normal one. When I pointed out the situation to the Doc he said "does that ruin your day?" I said "heck no she's beautiful", better to have too many than not enough was my thinking.

Love you Whit......

Tammi said...

Your dad's hilarious--now I get why YOU are too! dID YA SEE MY COMMENT ABOUT THE SWEETHEART BALL?