Friday, June 12, 2009


I would love to live like today was my last day. However, if I did...I wouldn't do any housework, I would eat whatever I wanted (I would for sure try one of those Peach shakes at Chik-fil-a), I wouldn't worry about the Laundry that was piling up, I wouldn't pay any bills, I would drive my car fast without a seatbelt, I would write a whole bunch of Thank you notes to everyone who has touched my life, I wouldn't yell at all, I would play with my kids all day, I would for sure make time to talk to my hubby before we fell asleep. If today was your last day...what would you do?


Unknown said...

Well, I really don't like that song, or the band, but thoughtful post none the less. I would also spend most of the time playing with the kids, doing whatever makes them happy, probably just eating a lot of otter pops and digging in the dirt, spend a lot of money, and find a really big mountain to ride my bike down as fast as I could (probably have to go to Utah for that). Also let everyone know how amazing and great they are, especially you.

Anna said...

I would probably cry all day long.

Unknown said...

What a cute brother you have. And I agree, that was a thoughtful post, and you are Amazing and great! Love you,