Thursday, May 21, 2009


A lady Jason works with brought the girls some dresses from India, and now my girls think they are Indian when they wear them.  (Please don't tell them they are white)  Abi puts hers on and says look I am India.  I am pretty sure she does not understand India is not a person, but a country. Livy thinks we should move there, and then she could have lots of pretty dresses.  Thanks Shrute.


the4ofus said...

What cute little girls in their fancy dresses! I love it!

Somer said...

Oh, I can;t show Ella or she will be over for dress-up.

LB said...

I can't believe you dressed them up and didn't bring them over!

Grammybumble Bee said...

So sweet. I remember making a Spanish looking skirt and shaw for Amy in 3rd grade. She wanted to wear it all the time. Let them wear too. They will out grow soon. You are making memory's. Good job! Miss ya.